Eternity in Our Hearts

Eternity in My Heart


It amazes me how God created animals with a homing instinct built within them. Many birds and butterflies will fly north in the summer, then head south in the winter. Many of the birds return to the exact same locations year after year.


Even cats and dogs have a homing instinct. I have heard numerous stories of dogs who have “gotten lost” in other states. Suddenly, months later, they show up on the front porch. We had a cat who disappeared for a couple of weeks. We thought he was gone for good. One night, as I was heading to bed, I looked out the back door to find him. He looked a bit beaten up and scrawny, but he found his way home and melted our hearts because we missed him so much while he was gone!


Ecclesiastes 3:11 tells us that God has put eternity in our hearts. Spiritually, we need that. It keeps us grounded when temporary, worldly things want to crowd out the eternal.

The more I watch the news and read things on the internet of things happening around the world, the more dissatisfied I am with this world. I have a longing to go “home.” That is eternity in my heart. My heart wasn’t made to set up permanent residence in this world. My heart yearns to see the place my Savior is preparing for me. (John 14:1-4) More and more, my husband and I will look at each other and say, “I want to go home!” We long for that perfect place where there will be everlasting peace and joy in His presence.


In this world where it is so easy to get caught up in temporary treasures, we need a spiritual drive inside us that won’t be satisfied with anything less than Jesus!


© 2014, Stacy R. Miller