Serpents and Doves

Serpents and Doves

In Matthew 10:16, Jesus told us He was sending us out as sheep among wolves, therefore, be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.  

One of the ways the Lord is impressing this upon me is by reminding that in this world, I don’t really own anything.  He is trying to help me to hold loosely to “my” possessions — my house, my money, my savings, my 401K, my car, my food, my job.  Why?  First, God truly owns it all and is only allowing me to use them.  Secondly, when I begin to look at all of these things as “mine,” it can lead to a dangerous mindset where I become puffed up and proud, thinking that I acquired them all by myself, instead of viewing them as blessings from Him.  Third, this world is my temporary home, filled with temporary things.  With what is coming in this chaotic world, He wants all of us to be focusing on Him, learning how to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.

I want to address some events that I believe will help us to be wise as serpents among the wolves who believe they are running the world.

As I listen to clips of many of the globalists, I hear phrases that are quite disconcerting, such as “financial equity” or ideas about making food equitable for all. There is much talk about biotech, which is combining our bodies with technology.

Yuval Harari, an author who is also an atheist, spoke at the Davos World Economic Forum in 2018.  He spoke of how we will have the ability to access better health care in the future through biotechnology.  The only thing is we will have to agree to give up a huge amount of our privacy.  Any dissenters will no longer have access to health insurance.  This takes the idea of being unable to buy or sell to a whole new level.

At this same forum, Harari went on to speak of living under the rule of a digital dictatorship.  With the President just signing an Executive Order to start the process of transitioning America to digital currency, that phrase from 2018 is quite terrifying.

At a later date, Harari spoke of how the Pandemic was the moment everything went digital, with surveillance greatly increasing worldwide, to the point that some started allowing implants under their skin.  He even spoke about how humans will be hack-able.  As if that wasn’t frightening enough, he went on to say that we haven’t seen anything yet.

I listened to a short clip from the World Government Summit 2022, where Dr. Pippa Malmgrem, a leading US economist, described how we are preparing to abandon the traditional system of money, changing to a digital system.  She described it as being the perfect record (surveillance) of every single transaction.  I have heard a few pastors speak about how this will lead to the social credit system that is already in place in China.  If they see us buying too much meat, they will shut down our access to our money.  If we financially support groups who don’t fit the model of what they want, they will shut down our access to money.  I have heard several pastors explain the concept of “equitable” that is often heard in their speeches and interviews.  It most likely means that when we switch over, if we are too “privileged,” we won’t get a dollar for dollar trade.  Instead, we will might get sixty cents for every dollar we want to switch to the digital dollar.  The other forty cents will go to the poor, so we are more “equitable.”

What about this green agenda for a cleaner world? There has been a lot of talk about doing away with automobiles as we know them. As for what they want us to drive – most of us couldn’t afford them! How will we drive to work? How will we drive anywhere?  Here is another thought.  As you look at the four horses in Revelation 6, one is pale, which means chloros.  That is a pale green.  Could this green horse be tied to a greener world?  It is certainly starting to look that way, and is worth watching.

While these are terrifying scenarios to consider, we need to address them. In Matthew 24, Jesus warned us four times not to be deceived.  We are not to be ignorant of Satan’s schemes and devices. (2 Corinthians 2:11) However, a steady diet of this kind of information will easily lead us to fear the wrong things. So what are we to do?

We need to be aware of what is happening, but more than that, we need be in the Word to keep us strong in our faith.  We are told that all who live godly lives will suffer persecution. (2 Timothy 3:12)  Jesus told us we would face tribulation, but we are to take heart and be at peace because He has overcome the world. (John 16:33)

By looking at these scenarios in light of the Word, it will help us not to lose heart and faint in the day of adversity. (Proverbs 24:10) 

As for God, His way is perfect. (Psalm 18:30) I like the way the NLT words it: “God’s way is perfect.  All His promises are true.  He is a shield for all who look to Him for refuge.” 

If we lose our job because of what is coming, do we really believe God’s way is perfect?  Are His promises really true?  Will He really provide for us?  We must remember that our job is not to be our refuge.  Only God is our refuge.

The Lord is good, and what He does is good.( Psalm 119:68) 

The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.  Blessed be the Name of the Lord. (Job 1:21) 

Due to the push of a greener climate, if we lose our home and/or car because they aren’t “green” enough, can we still say the Lord is good and what He does is good?  Will losing your home cause you to lose faith in Lord, like He is the One who took your home?  Remember — That home was His to begin with.  He only allowed you to live in it.

“The Rock! His work is perfect, For all His ways are just; A God of faithfulness and without injustice, Righteous and upright is He.  (Deuteronomy 32:4, NASB)

When all of our money is suddenly out of our control, can we still declare the Lord is our Rock and that His work is perfect and His ways are just? 

”The law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul; 

The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. 

The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; 

The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes. 

The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; 

The judgments of the Lord are true; they are righteous altogether.”

(Psalm 19:7-11, NASB)

Fear not, for I am with You; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10)

Be strong and let your heart take courage,
All you who hope in the Lord. (Psalm 31:24, NASB)

Hebrews 10:37-39:

37 For yet in a very little while, 

He who is coming will come, and will not delay.

38 But My righteous one shall live by faith;

And if he shrinks back, My soul has no pleasure in him.

39 But we are not of those who shrink back to destruction, but of

those who have faith to the preserving of the soul. (NASB)

As I mentioned earlier, a steady diet of this type of news can be overwhelming and lead to fear.  Matthew 6:25-34 is a much better “diet” for us to be feasting on in these troubling times:

25 “For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds of the [air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they? 27 And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life? 28 And why are you worried about clothing? Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin, 29 yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these. 30 But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith! 31 Do not worry then, saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear for clothing?’ 32 For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 33 But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be]added to you.

34 “So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. (NASB)

We must learn to hold loosely the things of this world and to hold tightly to our Father’s loving hand.

Feasting on a steady diet of the Word will truly help us to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.

I know this information is a heavy load, and all that I have said,  I am also saying to myself.  I have been in much prayer over the disturbing things I am seeing, and I felt compelled to share it with all of you.  We are all on this journey together, and we are to encourage each other, and even more so, as we see the Day approaching. (Hebrews 10:25)

© 2022, Stacy R. Miller

Here are the links with all of the information I mentioned.   

The Effects of Social Distancing

The Woman With The Issue Of Blood - The Breakthrough Lifestyle

The Effects of Social Distancing

Going through the social distancing that comes with the pandemic we are facing, I couldn’t help but think about the woman with the issue of blood.  We have only been dealing with the quarantines, lockdowns, and social isolation for a few months.  This woman had been isolated for over twelve years!

She was desperate, and for many reasons.  She had spent all of her livelihood on trying to find a cure.  Not only was she financially broke, she was emotionally broke.  Each time she spent money on a new doctor or a new remedy, she would have a glimmer of hope that this one might be the one to cure her.  Imagine the grief she went through each time they failed.  She probably felt like a little bit of her died every time.

That doesn’t even count the exhaustion she must have felt — physically from the constant bleeding, but also the mental and emotional exhaustion.  No wonder this poor woman was desperate!

We haven’t even touched on how the laws of that time affected her life.  She was considered ceremonially unclean and socially unclean.  She couldn’t take part in worship.  One commentary I read said she couldn’t even live at home.  She was ostracized and shut out from everything.  No tender caresses from her husband, no hugs from anyone, none of the gentle touches that simply say, “I care.”

Because of the laws that forbid her from touching others, she didn’t want to touch Jesus.  She didn’t want to defile the Son of God by touching Him.  She was so desperate that she just wanted to touch His garment.

Knowing that she wasn’t even supposed to be near the crowd, she likely felt a bit guilty, knowing she was violating the laws.  But again, she was desperate.

I love the way Jesus responded.  When He asked, “Who touched my clothes?” she likely felt shame, guilt, and fear.  And Jesus knew she felt these things.  He also knew it was she who had touched Him.  He wanted her to answer because He wanted everyone there to know that she was now healed.  As if that weren’t enough, He called her, “Daughter.”  How tender was His love and compassion to her!  She had likely been called so many names over the last twelve years.  The tender words from Jesus did more than heal her physically.  He healed the mental and emotional anguish that tormented her.

Now back to the pandemic.  Have you felt the isolation to the point that you feel like you are wilting?  Do you crave physical touch?  Does your soul scream to feel the gentle touch of a brother or sister in Christ that says they see you and care for you?

That is exactly how I have felt lately.  While I deeply appreciate the hugs from my husband and my daughter, there is something about the gentle touches from the family of God.  They are precious.

Even though we are supposed to be social distancing, as I have gone out in public, I am seeing very little of it.  Why?  I believe it is because we aren’t meant to be isolated!  We need each other!

I was so blessed to attend church Sunday morning and see my brethren.  There is one particular sister to whom my heart has been drawn.  (I love you, Annie!)  We haven’t seen each other in several months.  Once service was over, the need for that physical touch was just too strong.  We couldn’t social distance any longer.  We embraced and tears of healing began to flow.

We may not be able to physically touch the hem of our Savior’s garment, like the woman with the issue of blood did.  BUT, we can reach out to our brethren and minister to one another until the day when we see His blessed face.  Somehow, after all of these months of social isolation, I have a feeling Jesus is strengthening the ties that bind us together, helping us to love one another fervently.  (1 Peter 1:22)

© 2020, Stacy R. Miller

George Floyd and The Gospel

The podcast below addresses the whole issue regarding George Floyd and all of the unrest we are seeing across our nation.  Of all things, this biblical perspective is done by two Christian men, who are BLACK.  Sadly, you won’t hear this biblical message at the most churches.  They don’t want to use the bible to address what we are seeing.  Rather, they prefer to use man’s ways to address something that is completely spiritual in nature.  Please take the time to watch (and share), this very powerful message.  The link to the podcast is below.

Just Thinking Podcast - YouTube

When Joy Has Ceased

Lamentations 5:16

When Joy Has Ceased

With this current pandemic, people are starting to wonder what God is doing.  Is this judgment?  Is He reaching out, trying to get our attention through this worldwide virus?  There are so many questions about this virus, and so few, definitive answers.  When looking into the eyes of people, we are often greeted with a look of hopelessness instead of joy.  

As I was reading Lamentations 5, I saw so many things that reminded me of our current state.  Let’s take a look at some of the similarities.

Verse 1:  The people asked what had befallen them.  We are asking the same question today.

Verse 2:  Their inheritance was turned over to strangers.  With the economy shut down, the stock market has crashed, causing many to lose thousands of dollars.  Others have lost their jobs.

Their houses had been turned over to aliens.  If you see photos of EMS workers going to the home of a suspected Covid-19 patient, they look like aliens, with all of the protective equipment they must wear.

Verse 3:  They had become orphans without fathers, and their mothers like widows. This scene is all too common, with the thousands of deaths we have seen, due to this virus.

Verse 4:  They had to pay for drinking water and wood.  Due to the disruption to the food chain, we are seeing the prices increase, not to mention many items being unavailable.

Verse 5:  Their pursuers were at their necks.  This virus is so contagious, and there are so many unknowns.  For many, it likely feels as if they are being pursued by it.  

They were worn out, with no rest.  Everybody I talk to speaks of feeling exhausted all the time.  If not physically exhausted, they are mentally exhausted from worrying, or from watching too much news on the TV.

Verse 9:  They risked their own lives, just to get bread.  Sound familiar?  

Verse 14:  The elders were gone from the gate, and young men from their music.  We have seen the images of busy, city streets that are now empty, due to the lockdown.  

Verse 15:  Their joy was gone, and their dancing was turned into mourning.  I have heard many conversations where people complain about missing their non-essentials, missing their loved ones who are in quarantine, missing the simple pleasures of eating in at a fast food restaurant, just to name a few.  

So what are we to do?  Let me share a personal story, in hopes of giving you a word picture to help you.  

I work as a hospital operator.  The job involves much more than just answering phone calls all day.  If a patient codes (or flat lines), we are the ones who initiate the process.  We drop everything to page the team, in hopes of saving the patient’s life. Usually an adrenaline rush hits when we hear that loud alarm.  

When I was a new operator, I remember how that alarm would cause me to tremble every time it went off.  It wasn’t just from the adrenaline rush, but because I was so nervous about doing everything correctly.  However, as I gained experience, that familiar jolt gave way to a calm confidence.  

So what does that story have to do with how we are responding to the current pandemic, or to other trials of life?

Let me ask you something.  When situations suddenly arise in your life, how do you respond?  

Do you immediately become fearful, with your stomach tying in knots?  Do you immediately become enraged?  Do you head to the fridge, looking for comfort food? Do you call someone right away, looking to vent?  These used to be common reactions for me.  Thankfully, the Lord has been showing me a much better way.  

Just as a hospital operator needs to practice, practice, practice all procedures so they flow smoothly when an emergency arises, so do we.  How do we practice for our trials?  We do it by daily studying our bibles, digging deep into them, pondering what we read, and letting the Holy Spirit prick our conscience in the areas where we need work.  God speaks through His Word to us – that is how we get to know Him intimately.  We learn about His character, attributes, His love, and promises to us. By doing so, we will be less apt to panic and fear when troublesome times come.    

Because we have been diligently “practicing,” we will be able to declare the Lord rules forever, His throne from generation to generation.  (Lamentations 5:19)  This reminder that He still reigns, even in our trials, will increase our faith.  It will transform us so that our joy won’t cease.  (Lamentations 5:15) Though nothing may have changed outwardly, our inner being will be saturated with the peace of God that passes all understanding.  That peace will then give us the strength we need to endure.  It will calm our anxious heart so we can receive the wisdom we need from the Lord to help us.

Do you need to “practice” more to prepare yourself for the trials and tribulations of life?

© 2020, Stacy R. Miller

Plandemic Video: A Response

I would imagine most of you have heard about the Plandemic video with Dr. Judy Mikovits that was posted on You Tube and other platforms.  It went viral in a matter of hours.  Many professing Christians shared it with others and reposted it.   

John Haller offered a great response to this video.  I have cued the video to where he speaks about it.

I have also been guilty of passing on what I thought were interesting videos without vetting them.  

I think it is important that we talk about what the Bible has to say to us about this kind of behavior.

Proverbs 6 tells us God hates lying.  Lying would include untrue testimony — as in gossiping about something that isn’t true, or being a false witness.  In today’s society, it goes beyond just having a “lying tongue,” as is mentioned in Proverbs 6.  What our fingers type and post online would also be included.

In 2 Timothy 2:15, we are told to be diligent to present ourselves to God, a workman who doesn’t need to be ashamed, correctly handling the Word of truth.  Verse 16 tells us to avoid worldly and empty chatter.  Hmm….wouldn’t that include gossip and bearing false witness?  Would it include watching, then sharing conspiracy theories without vetting them?  That verse goes on to warn us it will lead to further ungodliness, spreading like gangrene.  Verse 23 tells us to refuse foolish and ignorant speculations.  Conspiracy theories comes to mind again.

If that isn’t strong enough to get your attention, Revelation 21:8 tells us that ALL liars will have their part in the lake of fire.

Brethren, time is short.  We need to stay focused on the Word of God, not all of these things that could lead us down a dark path, and eventually lead us astray because they lead us into sin.

Pandemic Judgment?


Pandemic Judgment?

Jeremiah 9:21 speaks of death coming through our windows, entering our fortresses, removing children from the streets, and young men from the public square.  What an apt description of what we are seeing with this pandemic!

God’s judgment had fallen on the land.  Many people have said they believe this pandemic is God’s judgment upon our land.  I don’t know whether it is or not, but it sure wouldn’t surprise me.   Let’s take a look at scripture and compare what happened in Jeremiah’s day to what is happening now.  

So what happened prior to verse 21 that led to His judgment?

The people had become adulterers, a crowd of unfaithful people. (verse 2)

Their tongues were ready to speak lies, going from one sin to another, never acknowledging God. (verse 3)

Even their closest friends were deceivers and slanderers. (verse 4)

No one spoke the truth, and they would weary themselves with their sinning. (verse 5)

They lived in the midst of deception, refusing to acknowledge the Lord. (verse 6)

So does any of this fit our nation?  Sexual sin is rampant – fornication, adultery, and pornographic websites constantly tie people in a web of deceit and destruction.  What about spiritual adultery?  False churches abound, and the people who attend them are unfaithful, in that they don’t diligently search the scriptures like the Bereans did.  The result is they are clueless that they are being led astray!

Lying is another sin that abounds.  Social media is filled with drama from people who lie and slander one another.  There is so much lying in our government that no one knows what, or who, to believe anymore.

There are so many conspiracy theories surrounding the Corona Virus, Bill Gates, traceable vaccines, and China that it makes my head spin!  Obviously, the deception of verse 6 abounds in our nation.

One thing I have noticed is that people are spending so much time researching the myriad of conspiracy theories.  Doing so only adds to our stress, anxiety, and confusion.  We weary ourselves with the constant need to feel like we can gain a sense of control over what is happening in our world right now.  But look at the end of verse 6.  It says the people of that time refused to acknowledge the Lord.  I have a feeling many would rather search the Internet for answers than to search their bibles – the true source for wisdom, peace, and comfort.

So what did the Lord have to say in Jeremiah’s day to this nation filled with sin?  He said He would refine and test them, for what else could He do, because of the sin of the people? (verse 7)  He said they had forsaken His law, refusing to obey Him or follow His ways, choosing instead, to follow their own stubbornness. (verse 13)  In verse 16, He mentions sending the sword until He had consumed them.  The sword represents war and death.  I have heard our President refer to this pandemic as a war on the Corona Virus.

So what did the Lord tell the people to do back then?  He told them to call for the wailing women.  These women were called to lead the people of that day in expressing their grief over the judgment that was upon the nation.  In verse 20, the Lord calls upon them to hear and receive His Word.

So what should our response be today?  Rather than spending so much time searching conspiracy theories, watching Hulu and Netflix, and feasting on comfort foods, we should be reading our Bibles since that is how we hear the Word of the Lord today.  We should be repenting of our sins – both personally, and nationally.

I know this is heavy stuff to digest, but hold on!  The Lord tells the people what kinds of things He delights in.  Notice that it is what God delights in, not in what we delight in.  

First, we must not glory in our own wisdom, might, and riches.  We are to glory in knowing the Lord and understanding Him.  By diligently studying the Word, we will learn that He is a God who is full of love, justice, and righteousness.  These things delight the Lord! (verses 23-24)

So back to the original question — Is this pandemic the judgment of God?  After studying Jeremiah 9 and comparing what we are seeing today with what happened back then, it sure looks like it could be God’s judgment.  However, rather than focusing on whether it is, or isn’t, the judgment of God, we would do much better by concentrating on doing those things that delight the Lord.  Let Him take care of everything else.

© 2020, Stacy R. Miller

The Power of Touch, continued

Today I wanted to share a couple of things I have used when I need that power of touch from the Lord.   While I listen to a lot of instrumental music to keep a peaceful atmosphere in my office and home, I haven’t been doing much as far as singing and worshiping the Lord.  I praise Him with my words often, but have been neglecting to do so in song.  I knew I needed to dedicate some time to worshiping Him in song because I was really missing those precious moments.  I chose these songs because I love the words, the music, and the feelings they give me.  I really needed that “touch” from the Lord, and I knew these songs would also bring what I like to call Holy Ghost goosebumps.

This first song always brings tears to my eyes when I think of all that Christ has done for me.

One topic of conversation that has become common for me is how I long to see the face of Jesus.  While discussing this pandemic, I have told family, friends, and coworkers that if I should get the virus and die, don’t mourn for me or feel sad for me.  Why?  Because my deepest longing is to see the face of Jesus.  Oh, how I long to see His wonderful face!  My spirit yearns for my true home, and not the temporary things of earth.  That is why this next song means so much to me.

This was exactly what I needed! 

Michael English has a special place in my heart because after I miscarried, his music was the only thing I could listen to that wouldn’t make me start crying.

The Power of Touch

The Power Of Touch - YouTube

The Power of Touch

We’ve been living under the Corona Virus Quarantine for several weeks now.  We have been sheltering at home.  In those times when we must be out for essentials, we have been maintaining a social distance of six feet.

Here’s a funny side note on the social distance thing.  My daughter got married during this pandemic.  When doing the premarriage counseling (online), they were asked, “What are your expectations for your wedding night?”  My daughter quipped, “Six feet.”  

This social distancing scenario reminded me of the book The Five Love Languages. For those who aren’t familiar with it, there are five love languages.  Each one of us will have one or two that are primary in our own life.  Those languages are: quality time, gifts, acts of service, words of affirmation, and physical touch.  

Something occurred to me several weeks into the quarantine.  I miss physical touch!  Of all things, that isn’t even my primary love language!  There have been articles written on the power of touch in infants.  Many hospitals have even added volunteers in the nursery, just to hold the babies.  They thrive when they have that physical touch in their lives.

The Bible has much to say about the power of touch.

Jesus often touched people when He healed them.  He touched blinded eyes and gave them sight.  (Matthew 9:29)  He broke the rules of social distancing, touching lepers and healing them.  (Mark 1:41-42)  By His simple touch on a woman’s hand, her fever departed.  (Matthew 8:15)  Luke 6:19 tells us the power of His touch was so miraculous that people came from all over to be touched by Him.  The wonderful power of His touch could even raise the dead!  (Luke 7:14)

For those whose love language is physical touch, I have a feeling your “love tank” is feeling very empty right now with all of the social distancing.  In my area, the quarantine orders are starting to lift.  However, once we begin meeting at church, we must still maintain social distance.

So what are we to do when we are deprived of the power of touch?

Let me encourage you, my friend!  God is not limited by social distancing restrictions!  His Word is still living and active, able to pierce our hearts, cutting between soul and spirit, exposing our innermost thoughts and desires.  The powerful touch of His Word can convict and change us!

Another way we can experience the power of God’s touch is by worshiping Him. Psalm 144:9 speaks of singing a new song to the Lord.  This pandemic is a new experience for all of us.  As we draw near to God, He may put a new song in our heart to help carry us through.  As we focus on the attributes of God, we cannot help but burst forth into exuberant praise.  The results from this can be endless: increased faith, peace, comfort, joy, strength, and a sense of renewed energy, just to name a few.

I have heard many people speak of how exhausted they are, even when just sheltering at home.  It has been an emotionally trying time for all of us.  However, as we wait for life to return to a semblance of normal, we can also wait on the Lord, meditating on His Word.  As we do so, we will find that our strength is renewed. (Isaiah 40:31)

During these uncertain times, the Lord can still lead us beside still waters, restoring our soul. His rod and staff still have the power to comfort us and lead us in the path of righteousness.  He can still anoint our heads, causing our cups to overflow with His goodness.  (Psalm 23)  

Remember – God is not limited by social distancing.  He is calling you now to come away, allowing Him reach out and touch you.  After all, there is no touch like that of our Father’s loving hand!

© 2020, Stacy R. Miller

Being Thankful During a Pandemic

There is Always something to be Thankful for" Free printable from ...

One of the things I have been doing during this pandemic is to think of things for which I am thankful.  Here is today’s list:

1. That I thought to get my hair cut the week before everything shut down.
2. That I “embraced the gray” last year, so having to go without hair color hasn’t been an issue for me.
3. That I don’t have fake fingernails, so my nails look just fine right now!
4. For a very fun, but relaxed, wedding day for my daughter and her hubby.
5. That most of the wedding was recorded so I can eventually play it for my parents when/if this pandemic ends.
6. That I have embraced the new “normal” during the pandemic, and now feel much less stress.
7. For the 4-day weekend I was able to enjoy last weekend.

Psalm 91 and the Deadly Pestilence

Psalm 91:3 | Psalm 91, Psalms, Bible quotes

Psalm 91 and The Deadly Pestilence

I posted a devotion a few days ago called, “Testing the Lord.”  I want to talk a bit more on that topic today.

I was looking at Psalm 91 and saw something interesting.  In verse 3, it says the Lord will surely deliver me from the snare of the fowler and the deadly pestilence.  Taking this one verse, it appears that we have the freedom to do whatever we want, and go wherever we want to go, and God will protect us.  

However, we must take the FULL counsel of the Word of God.  That verse is conditional upon verses 1 and 2.  We must dwell in the secret place of the Most High, making him our refuge and fortress.  But we can’t stop there.

You see, Satan quoted Psalm 91 when he was tempting Jesus in Luke 4.  He quoted it, saying that God would protect Jesus.  Yet, Jesus told Satan that we must not tempt the Lord.

So the truth of the matter is that Psalm 91 does not suggest we take unnecessary risks with our health during this pandemic.

Now let’s address the issue of agape love.  Philippians 2:3-4 admonishes us to think more highly of others than ourselves.  That is an example of agape love.  Flippantly going out in public, just to get out of the house, is not living out agape love.

What about common sense?  There are many people use claim the Name of Christ, and the blood of Christ, but they refuse to use common sense.  Proverbs 27:12 warns us to be prudent.  This means we show care in our actions, and give thought to the future.  Let me give you an example.  My parents are in their 80s.  I miss them terribly.  I still talk to them on the phone, but I have not seen them since before the shelter-in-place orders went into effect.  I can use the excuse, “But they are older, so I’m just going to check on them.”  However, I am a healthcare worker and my parents have underlying health issues.  For me to go over to see them would be thoughtless and reckless.  I must think about how my actions today might affect them in the future.  By doing so, I know that I need to refrain from going over there.  That is being prudent.  It is thinking of others before myself, and it is agape love in action.

I know you are tired of staying at home.  Do it anyway because it is the most loving thing you can do.

© 2020, Stacy R. Miller

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