A Thankful Heart

Carry a thankful heart wherever you go. | Thankful quotes ...

The above saying is a good one.  Right now, with the pandemic, many of us likely feel like we are carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders.  If we can remember to carry a thankful heart, it will ease that feeling of heaviness that has become all too commonplace for so many.

So right now:

  1. What are you thankful for? 
  2. Stretch it a bit further — what “odd” things are you thankful for? 
  3. What things are you thankful for, that you never thought you would have to be thankful for?

My thankful list, based off the above:

  1. Jesus, my family, my home, food to eat, money to pay bills, my job.
  2. Being able to call my parents since it’s not safe to visit them during the social distancing.  TOILET PAPER!!!!  (Ha!  I just had to add that one to the list!)  Going for walks with my hubby (he usually won’t walk with me, but being we are on shelter-in-place orders, he is now joining me just to get out of the house.)  Extra sleep due to the added stresses every day life now has.  Having a sense of humor and still being able to laugh about the dumbest things.
  3. Homemade masks that have been donated to the hospital where I work.  I am so very grateful for these!!!  Things the Lord has shown me through this pandemic —  One of them is a “chink” in my armor, so now I can work on fixing that.

Spitting Image

Image result for attitude

Spitting Image

Before I gave birth to my daughter, I had never seen a picture of my husband when he was a baby.  I was quite shocked when I saw that Rachel was the spitting image of her father when he was an infant!

As mothers, we have the chance to make a spitting image every day.  A woman is the one who sets the tone in her home.  If she is happy, contented, peaceful, and kind, chances are that the rest of the family will be the same.  The reverse is also true.  If she is discontented, crabby, whiny, and angry, so will everyone else in the home.  Even when her husband comes home in a very contrary mood, if she can greet him in a loving, cheerful way, his demeanor will quickly change for the better.  If he comes with a smile on his face, she can quickly wipe it away, changing his disposition and his mood with only a few spoken words.

Your attitude is the root of the family tree.  What we sow, we will reap.  Bitter roots will bring bitter fruit.  Lovely, healthy roots will reap lovely, healthy fruit.

What do you want your children to become?  Become that yourself!  When others say that your children are the spitting image of you, it will be a compliment!

© 2006, Stacy R. Miller

Raging Hormones

Raging Hormones

As women, we are faced with a myriad of emotions caused by those wonderful things called hormones.  Most of us would probably admit to only feeling really good (hormonally speaking), for about two or three days a month.  We can become quite pitiful on those bad hormonal days.  We may even go as far as to think some of the very words which Job spoke.

In Job 3:1, he cursed the day of his birth.  Have you ever been there?
In verses 12-13, he asks why there were hands to receive him and breasts to nourish him.  He states that if he had been left to die that at least he could now be in peace.  Have you ever had suicidal thoughts, even for a fleeting moment, thinking of the “peace” you could have, if only you were dead?  We know who gives us those thoughts, don’t we?

In verse 20, he complains of light being given to those in misery and life to those who are bitter in soul.  Have you ever had those times where your hormones make you feel that you are to be pitied above everyone else?

In verse 24, he speaks of the sighs and groans which pour from him like water.  Do you ever have those days when you are just positive that you can’t go any further, where all you can do is sigh and groan?

In verse 26, he is crying of no peace, no quiet, no rest!  Only turmoil!  Oh my, can’t we all say Amen to having had those days?  We have ALL been there!  The baby has colic or is teething, the children are constantly squabbling, and the phone never stops ringing.  The washing machine must run for several hours or there will be no clean clothing for anyone.  We can’t even go to bathroom for two minutes without hearing, “M-o-o-o-o-m!”  Just when we think hubby will be home to help, he calls to say that he is working late.  On top of all of this, we are still dealing with raging hormones.

Here is my own paraphrased version of Ps. 139:8-10.  If my hormones have me feeling like I can take on the world’s problems, God is  there.  When my hormones leave me feeling distraught and in the depths of despair, God is  there.  If I rise with energy that makes me feel like I’m soaring on eagle’s wings, God is there. And on the days when I want to run away from it all, then God is still there, and He even firmly holds me with His hand.

On those days when you feel so out-of-control because of those hormones, remember to cast your cares upon the Lord.  He will sustain you because He won’t let the righteous fall.  (Ps. 55:22)

Mt. 11:28-30 tells us to come Jesus when we are weary and burdened.  He is the one who knit us together, hormones and all.  He desires to give you His rest and His peace.  While your burdens are often overwhelming and heavy, He promises to give you a yoke that is easy and a burden that is light.

© 2003, Stacy R Miller



The writer of Psalm 119 knew well that bad company corrupts good character.  In verse 115, he told evildoers to get away so that he could keep God’s commands.

I got to thinking about how some of my activities pull me away from God’s commands.  Now, I’m not referring to what most of us would classify as “big” sins such as adultery, murder, or homosexuality.  I am thinking of seemingly innocent things like using the computer.  While the Internet can be a wonderful tool, how many times do we find ourselves spending more time there than necessary?  After all, we could be spending that time in the Word or in making the house look nice for when our husband comes home at the end of a long day.  We could have spent that time reading to our children or playing with them.  When we realize we have wasted too much time on the computer, our attitude usually changes for the worse.  We realize that we are suddenly pressed for time in getting the evening meal ready or whatever the case may be.  The result is often that we tend to get crabby.  Add a short fuse to our temper, and we can quickly infect those around us.  Before we realize it, the whole family is in a bad mood, thus slightest offense leading to much bickering.

I admit it – I am a FOX news junkie.  With all that is taking place in the world, I find it difficult to turn off the television.  Yet, when they begin to talk about Britney Spears or Lindsay Lohan, do I really need to hear it?  To put it bluntly, it is gossip, and God’s Word tells me to avoid it.  If I ignore His commands, I become spiritually infected.

A real wake-up call to me was one morning when I told my daughter that I had a nightmare about Muslims the previous night.  She had an astonished look on her face and replied, “So did I!”  My husband and I knew immediately that the excessive watching of the TV news was not only infecting us, it was also infecting her.

You see, when we allow spiritual infection into our lives, it doesn’t just affect us.  It affects others.  Just as the psalmist took a stand against spiritual infection, we also need to do the same.

Do you need to treat any “infection” in your life?
© 2007, Stacy R Miller



God knows how impressionable our children are.  That is why He told us to talk about His ways when we sit, walk, lie down at night, or rise in the morning. (Deuteronomy 6:7)  Young children are like sponges, soaking up everything they see and hear.

If our children observe us gossiping, what impressions are we leaving on their little hearts?  Rather than gossiping, if we would turn to intercession, we would impress upon them that God is the first one to run to in a crisis.  We will teach them to daily take their needs to the Lord.

If we criticize the pastor, we impress on their heart that this man isn’t to be respected.  On the other hand, if we talk excitedly about something we learned from the pastor’s message, we teach them that church is an exciting place to get new insights about our Father.

If we speak critical words about the music they play at church or the songs they sing, we impress upon them to look for the negative.  If we talk about how the music touched us and replaced our worry with God’s peace, we place an impression on them that could last for years.  They will learn that godly music can be a healing balm to frazzled emotions.

If we frequently act out of our feelings, rather than God’s truth, we place a strong impression on their hearts that will steer them to do the same thing.  It could lead to years of living a very unstable life, being a constant slave to their emotions, rather than using God’s Word to master those runaway emotions.  Yet when we speak forth God’s truth and stand on the Word no matter what our feelings tell us, their impression will likely lead them to stand firmly on the Rock.

What impressions are you making in the hearts of your children?

© 2005, Stacy R. Miller

An Instructed Tongue

An Instructed Tongue

The tongue is a very hard thing to tame.  James calls it a fire, a world of evil that is set on fire by hell.  He calls it a restless evil that is filled with deadly poison.  (Jas. 3:6-8)

Webster’s Dictionary defines ‘restless’ as unable to relax, giving no rest, rarely quiet or still, or discontented.  I don’t know about you, but just seeing that definition in light of how I use my tongue, I’m getting convicted already!

When we find that we are unable to relax our tongue, we will find ourselves being quick to speak.  Yet, James tells us that we should be slow to speak. (Jas. 1:19)

When we have a discontented tongue, it’s hard to follow the admonition in Philippians to think upon the things which are lovely, true, just, pure, and excellent.  We don’t allow ourselves time to shut up long enough to count our blessings.  That discontented tongue just has so much to say!

Another thing that a discontented tongue can do is make us like the quarrelsome wife, who is like a constant dripping. (Pr. 19:13) We fall into the habit of nagging, whining, complaining, and/or disrespecting our husband because we have become discontent with our lot in life.  No wonder Proverbs 21:19 tells us that a man is better off in the desert than living with a quarrelsome woman!  At least in the desert, he might find some peace and quiet.

When our tongue gives us no rest, we miss out on intimate moments with the Lord.  He may be calling us to find rest for our weary souls. (Mt. 11:28-30) In John 10, Jesus tells us that His sheep listen to His voice.  If our tongue gives us no rest, how can we hear His still, small voice?

In Pr. 31:26-27 we see that ‘when’ the virtuous woman speaks, her words are kind, giving wise counsel and instruction.  The word ‘when’ implies that she isn’t talking all of the time.  She has learned to be silent at times.  She also doesn’t eat the bread of idleness.  Idleness is a dangerous trap because when we become idle in our bodies, our tongue usually doesn’t follow.  Instead, it finds reason to  gossip or even to wallow in self-pity because we are discontented.  Those ultimately lead us to that place of having a restless tongue.

How do we stop this vicious cycle?  It is certainly a hard one to break once we fall prey to it.

Is. 50:4 says that God has given me an instructed tongue so that I will know what to speak to the weary.  He awakens me morning by morning, wakening my ear to listen to Him, like one who is being taught.

When we begin to honestly pray for God to give us an instructed tongue, we may find the resulting fruit:
1.  Our kind words may cheer up someone.  (Pr. 12:25)
2.  Our lips will nourish many. (Pr. 10:21)
3.  Our wise words will bring healing to others.  (Pr. 12:18) In fact, our wise words may even bring healing to ourselves because we begin to speak the Word over our situation instead of speaking out of our fickle emotions.
4.  Our words can become a fountain of life.  (Pr. 10:11)
5.  Wisdom will flow from us.  (Pr. 10:13)
6.  We will learn how to weigh our answers before we speak. (Pr. 15:28)

An instructed tongue…..I want it!  How about you?  Do you want it?
© 2004, Stacy R Miller

How Do I Look?

How do I Look?

Have you ever gotten dressed for a special occasion, then asked your husband,  “How do I look?”  We like to be assured that we look nice.

In I Peter 3:4, it mentions a meek and quiet spirit.  Meekness is often looked upon by the world as being weakness.  How wrong they are!  Jesus was certainly meek, but He was definitely not weak!  Meekness means that we aren’t easily irritated or provoked.  (I know, some of you are wanting to stop reading right now, aren’t you?  Believe me, I’m speaking this to myself, even as I sit here typing it.)  Quiet refers to being peaceful, at rest, not troubled.

When someone offends you, or does something which really irritates you, do you keep your mouth shut?  Even if you manage to keep your mouth shut, are you inwardly fuming?  Were your thoughts less than holy?  If so, while it ‘appears’ that you are being meek, reality tells a different story.  It says that you are just a very good actress.  In other words, you are really good at ‘faking it.’

So, how is your appearance?  Do you appear before others as one who is meek?  How do you appear before the Lord?  Remember, He sees what our inward thoughts and attitudes are, even when others can’t.

Father, help me not to be easily provoked, whether outwardly or internally.  Help me to respond, rather than react.  Help me to give a calm response in those situations which try my patience.  Amen.

© 2003, Stacy R Miller

Hip Surgery

Hip Surgery

After dealing with excruciating pain for many years, my mother-in-law decided to have hip surgery.  I was absolutely amazed when I saw her for the first time after the surgery.  She looked fifteen years younger!  That “pained” look she had worn for so many years was gone and she was standing much taller.

In the Bible we find the story of how Jacob deceived his father into giving him the blessing that belonged to his brother, Esau.  For a very short while, Jacob probably “stood taller” as he gloated in his deceitful accomplishment.

It wasn’t long however, before he was running for his life.  I wonder if he could relate to the words of David during that time.  “When I kept silent, my bones wasted away.” (Psalm 32:3) Did Jacob understand that his deceitful ways were tearing him apart on the inside?

There came a day where Jacob had to face whom he had become.  Not only that, but he had to wrestle with the angel of God.  It left him with a limp for the rest of his life.  Yet, I would venture to say that even with that limp, Jacob walked taller on the inside from that day forth.

After my mother-in-law’s surgery, she referred to her pain as “wonderful pain,” for she knew it was the pain of a body that was healing.  I would imagine that Jacob discovered the beauties of “wonderful pain” after he wrestled all night long to receive the blessing.

The words of Psalm 119:80 (Message) fit so well with the transformation that took place in Jacob’s life that night.  “And let me live whole and holy, soul and body, so I can always walk with my head held high.”

Father, let the words of this Psalm be the daily cry of my heart.  Amen.
© 2008, Stacy R. Miller

Peace in the Midst of Christmas Chaos

Peace in the Midst of Christmas Chaos


Working in a hospital requires that you work some holidays. I usually volunteer to work Christmas Day because we can easily adjust our schedule and celebrate our “Christmas at home” day another day.


Last year, I had Christmas Eve off, but my daughter wanted to open gifts on the 23rd since she isn’t a morning person. So on that day, as I headed home from work, I was in a festive mood, ready for our celebration.


However, on the way home, traffic was so thick, being that Christmas was only a few days away. People were driving with no regard for their fellow man. One man carelessly pulled out in front of me on a busy highway. Shortly thereafter, another vehicle started to swerve into my lane.

I was still trying to maintain my festive mood and remain peaceful in my spirit.


I noticed I only had a half tank of gasoline, so I thought I would do the smart thing and have it filled so we would be set for my trips to work and for a trip to the family gathering on Christmas Day after my shift was done. I scanned my card at the pump, only to get a message of “pump busy.” I had no idea why it was doing that, but didn’t trust it after that, so I waited until it cleared my card info and went to another pump, only to have it do the same thing. My hands were beginning to hurt due to the bitterly cold temperatures.


I decided to try another gas station, only to burst a blood vessel when trying to get the gas cap off. Now my hands were really hurting, and my festive mood was beginning to change to a very frustrated one.


As I headed for the final stretch home, I came upon someone who must have been having a lover’s quarrel. The car was off to the side of the road. With no warning, she quickly pulled out in front of me, then pulled over again when she caught up with a pedestrian who had just exited her car. Next, he darts out in front of me to get away from her. I slammed on my breaks, and my heart rate is escalating by this time. Of all things, the woman pulled out in front of me again!


By this time, not only am I frustrated, but I was desperate to get home. I just wanted to be safely home, in the warmth and comfort of my house, enjoying the presence of my loved ones.


Since I remembered hearing that we women often set the tone of our home, I reminded myself that it wasn’t going to be wise to show my frustration when I got home. I quickly said a prayer, asking the Lord to help me to adjust my attitude in the next two minutes before I reached home.


Thankfully, He was faithful to help me in my time of need. As I walked in the door, instead of venting my frustration, I voiced how thankful I was to finally be safely home!


In the midst of this blessed season, when circumstances around us can be very chaotic, it can help us to find things for which to be thankful, even when our emotions are rather frazzled and stressed.


A grateful heart can bring peace and comfort to your spirit in spite of your surroundings.

© 2014, Stacy R. Miller


Got Critics?

Got Critics?


Doesn’t it hurt to find out that others are criticizing you?  I was pondering on this one night and decided to look in scripture at some of the many times where Jesus found Himself in the same place.  Often, He saw His critics face to face while they were hurling their accusations.


He was accused of blasphemy.  Mt. 9:3

He was accused of being possessed and of driving out demons by the prince of demons.  Mt. 9:34, 12:24, Jn. 7:20, 8:52-53, Lu. 11:15, Mk. 3:22

He was criticized for working on the Sabbath.  Mt. 12:1-2, Mk. 2:23-24, Lu. 6:2,6-7, 13:10-14, Jn. 5:16.  I thought that it was interesting to note that in Luke 6:2,6-7 when Jesus was criticized by the Pharisees (leaders of the church), He went on to say in that same chapter to pray for your enemies and do good to them (v. 27-28).  In verse 37 He says not to judge others or to condemn others.  We will often have our own critics when we make the choice to put Christ first, spouse second, and children third.  Even people in the church get their priorities wrong.  Some tend to think that by putting church work first that they are putting Christ first.  There are many who appear to be putting church above their families, and I have seen the chaos that has come into their lives because of these erroneous actions.


In Mt. 26:6-9, Mark 3:20-21, and Jn. 7:4-5, His own family criticized Him and said that He was “out of His mind.”  Jesus went on to say that a prophet is without honor in his own town.  (Mt. 13:54-57, Mk. 6:2-3)  Many times, we will find that our those closest to us won’t understand how serious we are in our walk with the Lord.  They will begin to criticize us.  I have seen this in my own family, so I know how much it can hurt.  Some of my family members say that I am brainwashing my daughter.  That’s odd – God’s Word calls it “instructing her in righteousness.”  While reading about how the people in Nazareth were furious with Jesus, driving Him out of town, and hoping to throw Him off a cliff, I saw that Jesus “walked right through the crowd and went on His way.”  (Lu. 4:30)  Father spoke to me and told me that as we walk His pathway, and we have critics who start talking so hatefully about us, He will enable us to also “walk right through the crowd” and go on our way.


In John 12:1-7 we find the story of Mary pouring expensive perfume and lavishing it upon the feet of Jesus.  Judas was very critical of this action.  Jesus said, “Leave her alone.”  Imagine the Master telling Satan to leave you alone.  After I miscarried my first baby, I had months where I didn’t read the Word because every time I did, I would start crying.  I was tired of crying, and since the Word made me cry more, I quit reading.  After I got through the most intense part of the grief, I was talking to the Lord.  I asked Him why I didn’t go through any condemnation from Satan for not reading the Word.  He assured me that He doesn’t put more on us than we can bear.  I knew that He was telling me that when Satan wanted to heap condemnation upon me, Jesus told him, “Leave her alone!”


In Mk. 8:11 and Mk. 10:2, the Pharisees had come to test Jesus.  Often, we will find that our own family members want to “test” us.  They knew the person we were before Christ, and so they push and push, trying to provoke us.  If they catch us in a weakened moment, and we fail to act in a Christian manner, we can count on hearing the words, “Oh!  I thought you said that you were a Christian!”


In Mt. 8:34 we see that the people asked Jesus to leave their region after setting the demoniac free.  When our lifestyles show a radical change because of our Lord’s work within us, we may be asked to leave as well.  It may not be said to us in those words, but we may find ourselves missing out on invitations to do things.  People whom we considered friends will suddenly stop calling.  Family members may act distant with you at family get-togethers.


In Mt. 21:23, they asked Jesus by what authority He was doing different things.  Many people will not understand why you homeschool, why you don’t work outside the home, why you don’t get your kids involved in lots of different activities, why you don’t let your children view certain programs, why YOU don’t view certain programs, and the list goes on…..  They are questioning your authority on different issues.  When facing our critics, we must always remember that we are to serve our Christ, looking only for HIS approval, and not the approval of man.  (Gal. 1:10)


Jesus told us that if people persecuted Him, they are going to persecute us.  (Jn. 15:20)  In Mt. 5:11 He tells us that we are blessed when we are persecuted because of righteousness.  We are told in II Tim. 3:12 that all who live godly lives will suffer persecution.


While it’s never easy to be persecuted or criticized, we are given some words of encouragement in scripture.  I Pet. 4:14 tells us that if we are insulted because of Christ, we are blessed, for God’s Spirit rests on us!   Heb. 12:1-3 tells us that we need to run with perseverance the race marked out for us.  We need to fix our eyes on Jesus, and not grow weary and lose heart.  Heb. 11:27 tells us that Moses persevered because he saw Him who is invisible.  When we are persecuted by those closest to us because of our stand for the Lord, may we also “see Him who is invisible.”  While facing those who may oppose us, may we sense His presence right there with us because He said that He would NEVER leave us, nor forsake us.  (Heb. 13:5)


© 2003, Stacy R Miller

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