A Thankful Heart

Always be joyful. Pray regularly. In everything give thanks, for this is  what God wants from you who are united w… | Bible truth, Scripture quotes,  Quotes about god

A Thankful Heart

My husband and I were discussing how important it is to keep a thankful heart, especially when living in a world full of chaos.  It made me think back to 1995 when I had a miscarriage.  I was devastated.  During that season, the Pacers were doing really well.  Those games provided me with two hours of respite, taking my focus off the devastation I felt.  I was so thankful for those nights when there was an NBA game.  However, two and half decades later, I am now thankful to turn off any professional sports because they have all become so political.  The games that once provided such respite now cause me angst.

Months of dealing with the pandemic has taken quite a toll on people.  When you add the California fires, the double hurricanes that recently hit the Gulf, and the rioting that is happening in many states, it is hard to keep a positive, thankful attitude.

One thing I have been focusing on through all of this is learning to be thankful for the simplest of things:  A hot bath, a bed, air conditioning on a hot day, etc.  

I have been working a lot of overtime since the pandemic started.  Doing that can take its toll on your body, mind, and spirit.  I go home exhausted some evenings, but have tried to keep a thankful attitude in the midst of the exhaustion.  I am thankful for a meal to cook because it means we have food to eat.  I am thankful to have laundry to wash because it means we have clothing.  I am thankful for a grocery list because it means we have money to pay for the food.  

I heard something a few weeks ago that really made me stop and think.  It has challenged me to look for new things every day, for which to be thankful.  What would you have today if you woke up with only the things that you thanked God for yesterday?  That question has caused me to dig deeper, looking for even more things for which to be thankful.

Here are some of them:

The much-needed rest I got last week when I had to call off due to a migraine.

Getting my blood pressure checked and finding it was normal, in spite of all of the hours and the exhaustion.

Having my hubby grate up some beeswax for me so I could make facial cleanser.

Going for a walk with my hubby, my daughter, or my mom.

Some deep conversations that I have had with my parents.

Going out to lunch with a precious sister from church who is very dear to me.

Being able to dine-in at a few restaurants – what a nice treat to be able to get out of the house for a while.

Writing.  That is my passion, and it always gives me a burst of much-needed energy when I am able to write.

Scripture has much to say about being thankful.

It is God’s will for us to give thanks in everything. (1 Thessalonians 5:18) Notice it doesn’t tell us to give thanks for everything.

Along with letting the peace of Christ rule in our hearts, we are to be thankful. (Colossians 3:15)  We can be thankful for the peace Jesus gives us, even in the midst of our trials.

We should devote ourselves to prayer, but also be watchful and thankful. (Colossians 4:2)

We are told not to be anxious, but to present our requests to God, and be thankful (Philippians 4:6)   I recently went home, carrying a very heavy burden.  So many people I know needed prayer.  My heart was so heavy, and I was mentally exhausted.  I found such relief by turning on some soft worship music, adjusting my thoughts to how great and good our God is, then I turned those burdens over to Him.  Immediately, that heavy burden lifted!

We are to give thanks to God because He is good, and His love endures forever. (Psalm 107:1) We have all had those times when we just don’t feel His love.  By thanking Him in the midst of our ever-changing emotions, we are offering Him a sacrifice of praise.

We have received a kingdom that cannot be shaken.  Because of that, we should be thankful, worshiping the Lord with awe and reverence. (Hebrews 12:28-29)  What awesome comfort when we are living in a world where many things are being shaken!

I love the way the ESV words Psalm 28:7:  “The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him.”

Colossians 3:16: Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. (ESV)

Hebrews 13:15: Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name. (ESV)  When our hearts are the heaviest is when it is imperative for us to offer that sacrifice of praise.  Whenever I have done so, the change it makes within me is something mere words cannot express.

Daniel 6:10: When Daniel knew that the document had been signed, he went to his house where he had windows in his upper chamber open toward Jerusalem. He got down on his knees three times a day and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as he had done previously. (ESV)  There is a great lesson here for us.  As far as Daniel knew, those lions would kill him, but he prayed anyway.  As things continue to “heat up” for Christians, may it be said of us, “They prayed anyway.”

May we be people of prayer, with thankful hearts!

© 2020, Stacy R. Miller

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