Why Study Prophecy? Part 1

Why Study Prophecy?

When you think of studying the prophecy books in the Bible, how do you feel?  Does it stir up apprehension, fear, boredom, or a sense of dread?  Perhaps it stirs up feelings of inadequacy because you view the topic as being too complex and confusing.  .

I want to dig into scripture to show you why it is imperative that we study this topic.  I will even share some of my own experience and how pushing through any negative feelings about the topic has caused not only massive growth in my walk with the Lord, but has reaped fruits of peace and calm in the midst of our chaotic world.

We have a seen a lot of confusion in recent years.  Many false teachers have taken to social media, spreading their lies and stirring up even more confusion.  Some stir up fear and panic.  Others don’t truly know the Word, so they claim some of the signs we have seen in the sky are proof that Jesus is coming back.  Granted, there are several verses in the Bible that speaks of God setting signs in the sky.  (Genesis 1:14)  However, when you take those verses and start setting dates for the return of Jesus, that is a problem.

Recently, when Israel struck Iran, many started claiming the Ezekiel 38 and 39 war had begun.  This got people really stirred up.  Some were in panic mode, while others were thrilled, thinking this meant that Jesus is soon to return.

If only these people were students of the Word!  That alone would have alleviated much of the fear, panic, and nonsense that was showing up on social media.

Scripture tells us that God’s Word is a lamp to our feet and a light for our path. (Psalm 119:105)  In these dark times of chaos and confusion, it is imperative for us to know the Word so we don’t fall prey to deception.  Jesus warned us four times in Matthew 24 not to be deceived.  He knew this would be a massive problem!

When all of the hype over Israel’s attack upon Iran was spiking, I was able to remain calm and at peace.  How?  I had studied Ezekiel 37 and 38 many times.  Because of the time I invested in learning about that war, I was able to dispel that gossip with one verse.  That war will not happen until Israel is a land of unwalled villages and the people are living in peace.  (Ezekiel 38:11)  I saw recent pictures of Israel.  There are still a lot of walls there.  And peace?  I’m not seeing any peace in that land.  Do I believe it was important in the prophecy timeline that Israel struck Iran?  Absolutely!  But it was not the start of that war.

What would it do for you and your sense of peace if you could learn to keep your sense of calm and spiritual balance by simply applying one verse?  I hope you will join me in this quest of digging deeply into the Word to find even more reasons why we must study prophecy!

© 2024, Stacy R. Miller

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