Why Study Prophecy? Part 8

Why Study Prophecy?  Part 8

We are commanded to be diligent to present ourselves approved to God as a worker who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth. (2 Timothy 2:15, NASB)  The NKJV describes it as rightly dividing the Word of truth.  We are commanded to be diligent in studying the Word so that we can rightly divide it.  

A perfect example of why it is important to study the prophecy books is because of all that has been transpiring in Israel and Gaza — between the Jews, Hamas, and the Palestinians.  Many professing Christians are claiming the Palestinians are those who descended from the Philistines, who were great enemies of the children of Israel.  While this may sound like a good explanation, it is not correct!  In Amos 1:8, the Lord declares through Amos that the remnant of the Philistines would perish.  The Philistines were completely destroyed during the time of the Babylonian and Persian Empires.  There are a couple of big problems when we get taken in by these false claims.  First, by making these false claims, we are calling God a liar because He clearly declared in Amos 1:8 that the remnant of the Philistines would be destroyed.  Secondly, when we spread falsehoods like this, we become liars, gossipers, and talebearers, which the Bible calls sin.  (Romans 1:28-32)  Revelation 22:8 gives a sobering warning that all liars have their place in the lake of fire.  Let us not be found among them!

© 2024, Stacy R. Miller

Why Study Prophecy? Part 7

Why Study Prophecy?  Part 7

Do you find yourself in a state of confusion when you try to understand what is transpiring in our world?  Does your head spin at how fast things are changing?  Do you find yourself at a loss for words if others ask you questions about world events?  One of the most common topics is our President and his actions.

I remember hearing Jacob Prasch say that a nation gets the leader they deserve.  That really stood out to me.  As I have studied my Bible, I see that very scenario many times.  God wanted to be Israel’s king, but they were insistent that they wanted a king over them, just like the pagan nations around them.  God gave them what they wanted, warning them of the many terrible things that would accompany that request.  (1 Samuel 8)  

I just finished a deep study in Hosea and noticed the same thing in Hosea 13:11.  In His anger, God gave them a king, then in His wrath, He also took that king away from the people as further judgment for their sinful ways.  

When I look at our world, I see that pattern playing out globally.  Other signs of judgment seen throughout the prophecy books, as well as other places in scripture are four-fold.  There is famine, plague/pestilence, beast/evil, sword.  This knowledge can help us navigate these difficult times and help us to understand why global chaos has ensued.  

Another thing I have seen over and over is the holiness of God and how the people ignored or despised that holiness.  God’s holiness demands judgment when we despise it.  This is played out many times in scripture.  I am currently studying the book of Amos where it happens again and again and again.  Judgment comes in the form of fire to many different people in this book.  As I pondered on the concept of fire, I couldn’t help but think of the fire of the Holy Spirit.  That fire can purge unholy things from our lives.  It is better to fall under conviction through the fire of the Holy Spirit than to be subjected to actual fire that comes in the form of judgment upon ungodly people.  Let us take time to reevaluate things in our own lives.  Do we need the fire of the Holy Spirit to do some purging of unholy things in our own life?  

© 2024, Stacy R. Miller

Why Study Prophecy? Part 6

Why Study Prophecy?  Part 6

When I am doing a series, I normally don’t send back to back devotions because the topic is usually one that needs time for pondering and digesting.  However, in light of current events, I do feel compelled to reach out to address something, in hopes that it helps others.  

Many of us were left disheartened and appalled at the Trump verdict.  I am not writing this to support Trump or to bash him.  My point is looking at our justice system (or the lack thereof).  I have served on two juries, so I know the process.  Those processes, along with many others, were not followed.  What happened was a travesty.

The morning after the verdict, I opened my i-Pad to read the Word while eating breakfast.  I felt like I was reading a newspaper.  Therefore the law is paralyzed,  and justice never prevails. The wicked hem in the righteous, so that justice is perverted. (Habakkuk 1:4, NASB)

This isn’t the only place in scripture where we see things like this happening.  The reason I bring this up is because it shows us one more reason why it is important to study the prophecy books.  They tell us what is going to happen.  When we see them come to pass, it doesn’t cause us to stumble or lose faith because we already knew it would happen, and we know our God is in control!    This can give us a sense of peace, even when we are still disturbed by what we see.

The Wisdom [godly Wisdom, which is comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God] of the prudent is to understand his way, but the folly of [self-confident] fools is to deceive. (Proverbs 14:8, Amplified)  Rather than focus on the travesty we saw in the justice system last week, let’s focus on becoming wise in the Word, for it will help us view our world through the lens of scripture. God’s Word is a light for our path and that light will shine brightly even in the darkest of days!

© 2024, Stacy R. Miller

Why Study Prophecy? Part 4

Why Study Prophecy?  Part 4

After I sent out the last devotion which mentioned the greedy wolves, a good friend of mine gave me a great reminder that is worth noting here.  The enemy  wants us to look like idiots. We talked about how the greedy wolves exploit the sheep, but that isn’t the only useful tool he finds in them.  He also uses them to cause the sheep to become calloused and thus, lazy regarding studying the Word.  The world laughs at us because every time there’s a date set and nothing happens we look stupid and untrustworthy.  That leads many to ask why would anyone want to be a Christian?  So our adversary, the devil, has covered every area of deceit, using those within the Church and those without Christianity.  This is all the more reason why we must be diligent in studying all of the Word.

I connected something else this week that has given me much pause.  In Matthew 25, we see the parable of the talents.  I used to always picture this being our money or the actual talents/gifts the Lord has given us.  However, I had another thought this week.  Our talent is something of value.  Let’s consider the Word of God here.  In America, most people who claim to be saved have access to multiple bibles within their own homes.  With the resources available online, we have unlimited access to the Word.  But what do we do with that talent?  Do we hide it away and never look at it?  

What do you do with your talent?  Do you study diligently so that the Word will grow in your life?  Do you share what the Lord is teaching you so that others can learn from you?  Or do you just bury it, thinking it’s really not all that important?  We can take this a step further.  What do you do with the prophecy parts of the Bible?  In a world of chaos, filled with false teachers, are you seeking to understand prophecy?  Do you seek to keep yourself and others from being led astray?  

God has given us these “talents,” and He expects us to put them to good use.  In the parable of the talents, there was one who hid his talent.  Jesus called him lazy and worthless, then said some very sobering words.  “For to everyone who has, more shall be given, and he will have an abundance; but from the one who does not have, even what he does have shall be taken away. And throw the worthless slave into the outer darkness; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. (Matthew 25:29-30, NASB)  

May it never be said of us that we are lazy and worthless when it comes to being students of the Word!  In these dark days, let us endeavor to add to our knowledge of the Word and learn more about our loving, gracious, merciful Savior so that we grow wise with His wisdom.  That wisdom will safely guide us in these dark days until we we reach our heavenly home.

© 2024, Stacy R. Miller