Why Study Prophecy? Part 3

Why Study Prophecy? Part 3

Let’s talk about the Revelation 12 sign and the eclipse from April 2024 and how they relate (or not) to prophecy.

While I was intrigued with the Revelation 12 sign that stirred up many people, I was cautious, due to being taken in by the false teachings which surrounded the blood moons.  I searched out some reliable teachers on social media who had a much better understanding of it than I did.  The main thing I learned was that the whole thing was NOT the Revelation 12 sign.  Those who were preaching the significance of it were taking things out of context and stirring up a huge crowd who wants to hear about the end times, but don’t see it necessary to study it for themselves.  This is just another example of 2 Peter 2:3 where these greedy wolves exploited the sheep, counting on the them to neglect the studying of the Word for themselves.  The result being these wolves would get rich off the illiterate sheep by selling their books and tapes.

We heard about the April 2024 eclipse for months on the news before it happened.  Of course, false teachers had to jump on their social media, leading people astray and exploiting them again with their books.  There was nothing miraculous about this eclipse.  They could have predicted it would happen on April 8, 2024 over 2000 years ago because God has a specific pattern for the eclipses.  What is a miraculous sign in the sky would be the Bethlehem star when Jesus was born.  Another miraculous sign was when God set the sun back by 10 steps in 2 Kings 20:1-11.

While I thought it was a very cool thing to see the eclipse this year, I don’t believe there was anything significantly prophetic about it.

In closing, I want to admonish you to start reading the prophecy books.  Do it slowly, and don’t read too much at one time.  With the minor prophets, it might be best to read each particular book from start to finish, then go back and read it slowly.  Look for any related scripture references or commentary on it.  One thing I have used to help my own study time is www.EnduringWord.com.  He does a commentary on each book of the Bible.  Also, Pastor Gary Hamrick has done a series on the minor prophets.  He often has great insights and practical applications for us.

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:1617, NKJV)  Notice that he doesn’t say only the books we like to read are profitable to us for doctrine, reproof, correction, and righteousness.  It says ALL scripture, implying that we must be willing to study the Word, even the prophecy books.  

© 2024, Stacy R. Miller

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