Why Study Prophecy? Part 9

Why Study Prophecy?  Part 9

When studying the Bible, we must let scripture interpret scripture.  If we don’t, we can easily fall prey to error.  For instance, we could take the story about the wise man and the foolish man and say that the wise man is one who believes God and is saved.  Whereas, the foolish man is one who doesn’t know God and is not saved.  However, when we let scripture interpret scripture, there is much more to this story.

As we take it in full context, we see Jesus taught this lesson during His sermon on the Mount, which was spoken to the multitudes.  In chapter 7, He teaches about judging, asking, entering through the narrow gate, being aware of false teachers, how to judge fruit, and how there will be many who call Him “Lord,” but will not enter the kingdom of heaven.  Then He moves on to the wise man and the foolish man.

Both houses may have looked alike from the outside.  Yet when the storms hit them, what was under the exterior becomes very visible.  Those who heard His sayings and did them were called wise, and their houses stood firm in the midst of the storms.  However, the foolish one was described as one who heard His words but wouldn’t do them.  When the storms of life hit, that house not only fell, but “great was its fall.”  (NKJV)  

In other words, there are those who will come to church but never follow through with obeying what they are taught. I know people who say they don’t read their Bibles.  They just listen to sermons online.  What a dangerous predicament!  The Bible is to be our plumb line — it is the truth by which we should gauge everything else in we hear.  If you never read the Word, you can’t possibly know if what you are hearing is Truth.  By ignoring the Word, you are ignoring the foundation of your “house.”  

I heard someone describe the greatness of its fall actually meaning complete and utter destruction.  In other words, people who come to hear the Word, but never do it or bear any fruit of being saved will face complete and utter destruction on the day of judgment.  What a chilling thought!

I never intended for this series on studying prophecy to continue this long, but I keep seeing things that I believe are important to address. The story of the wise and foolish builder is another case in point.  I have shared previously how I used to be heavily involved with false teachers — many of whom are part of the false, prosperity gospel.  As I look back, I can tell you that the prophecy books were never studied by this crowd.  Why?  That topic wouldn’t have tickled itching ears and filled their pockets.  

I know someone who is heavily into that false gospel.  Whenever I mention something about our nation being under the judgment of God, I get a condescending comment of, “Oh, I don’t believe that.”  Why can’t this person see judgment coming?  It is because they follow these false teachers instead of studying the Bible for themselves.  Sadly, when all falls apart in our world, people who are caught up in these popular, false teachings are going to see their foundations crumble in a flash.

I know studying the prophecy books can be scary and daunting at times, but we have a faithful, loving Father who wants us to be informed.  I promise you that your faith will be strengthened as you read them because God’s Word is still living and active.  His mercies are still new every morning.  Great is His faithfulness!

© 2024, Stacy R. Miller

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