Building a House

Building a House

If you have ever observed a house being built from the very foundation, you know that there is a LOT of hard labor involved.  It’s no less laborious for women to build their spiritual house either.  It may be a different kind of labor, but it still requires much work.

Proverbs 9:1-2 tells us that wisdom has built her house.  Then in verse 12 it goes on to say that your wisdom will reward you.  It is going to require Father’s help for us to build our house on His wisdom.  Proverbs. 14:1 says that the wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands, the foolish one tears hers down.  Verse 3 goes on to say that the lips of the wise (their speech) protect them.  What we say, and the atmosphere that we set in our home can make it a very inviting place, providing that WE have made the WISE CHOICE to make it that way.  In Proverbs 10:21 it tells us that the lips of the righteous (their speech) nourish many.  We have an opportunity to nourish many, IF we choose to build our house on a godly foundation.  Not only that, but the house of the righteous stands firm and is a secure fortress for her children. (Proverbs 12:7, 14:26).  So, when the storms of life hit our family members, home can be a refuge – a safe place for them.  They know that they can come home at the end of a hard day, to be nourished by the kind, thoughtful, loving words which we will speak to them.

I thought it was interesting to see in Proverbs 22:11 that he who loves a pure heart and whose speech is gracious will have the KING for a friend.  You have probably heard men say the phrase “I am the king of my castle.”  I don’t know about you, but I know that I want the king of this castle (my husband) to be my friend! I want him to desire my company over all others, next to the Lord, of course.

Let’s see how the foolish woman can tear down her house:

Proverbs 19:13, 27:15 A quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping.  No one wants to hear constant whining and nagging.  If we set that atmosphere, not only will our husbands not want to be there, but we are setting a horrible example to our children.  So many times, children end up being a carbon copy of their parents.  God help us not to set up THAT kind of example!

Proverbs 21:9, 19 tell us that it’s better to live on a corner of a roof, or in the desert than to live with a quarrelsome wife.  Think about that – the corner of a roof does not sound like a very inviting place to me!  Nor does the desert – it is a hot, dry, dusty, lonely place, filled with serpents and scorpions, yet God’s Word says that living there is better than living with a quarrelsome wife.

Proverbs 24:3-4 tells us that by wisdom a house is built and through understanding it is established.  It’s through knowledge that its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.  Proverbs 15:6 tells us that the house of the righteous contains great treasure.  One of the treasures of a house built in this way is a woman who is of noble character, whose worth is FAR MORE than rubies.  (Proverbs 31:10)  Rubies, because of their rarity, have a higher value than even diamonds.

Another way we can bring rare and beautiful treasures to our house is to “wage war.”  Sometimes we need to war against our flesh, crucifying that fleshly desire to always want things our way, or to crucify a nasty attitude that has been trying to lay hold of us.  Another kind of “war” we need to wage is spiritual warfare on behalf of our family members.  I remember when my husband was out of town for a few days.  One night I was in bed, trying to go to sleep.  I had such a wrestling in my spirit for him.  I began to intercede for a long time, asking God to keep him safe.  Finally, I felt a release in my spirit and was able to go to sleep.  The next day, he fell twelve feet and landed on his back.  He could have been seriously injured, if not killed, but I believe that my intercession on his behalf put the plans of the enemy to flight.  Because of my intercession, I may have saved myself from being a widow with a newborn, as I delivered my daughter two weeks later.

Another treasure in building our house is that we can watch over the affairs of our household.  (Proverbs 31:27)  When a house is being built, there is always an overseer, making sure that the job is done right.  In building our homes, we need to be a watchful overseer of the home, not to be confused with being the “head” of the home.  Verse 11-12 of this chapter tells us that this lady’s husband had full confidence in her.  Why?  She brought him good all the days of her life.  She had proven her faithfulness and devotion to him and to their household.

Titus 2:5 tells us that women are to be busy at home.  Sometimes this is hard for us to learn because many of us haven’t been taught how to do this.  In that case, it’s a good idea to find a godly woman who would be willing to be a mentor to you, teaching you how to put this into practice.  Pray for God to lead you to a wise woman because he who walks with the wise becomes wise.  (Proverbs 13:20)

What will be the results of building our house the way that God intends?  You will be blessed because God blesses the home of the righteous.  (Proverbs 3:33)  Your children may just arise and call you blessed. (Proverbs 31:28)  Your husband may also sing your praises.  (Proverbs 31:28)  Verse 29 goes on to say that her husband told her that many women do noble things, but she surpasses them all!  Wow!  What a compliment!

As I stated at the beginning, “Wisdom has built her house.”  When you build your house with godly wisdom and insight, you may just find that the promise of Proverbs 24:14 comes alive to you.  “Know also that wisdom is sweet to your soul; if you find it, there is a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off.”  (NIV)

© 2003, Stacy R Miller

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