Proverbs 4

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Proverbs 4

Once again, we see the focus on wisdom and understanding.  Notice though, in the first two verses, he speaks the instruction as a father, and states that he gives good doctrine.  Just as an earthly father gives good gifts to his children, our heavenly Father gives even greater gifts and instructions to us.

In verse 6, we are told that wisdom will preserve us, and if we love her, she will keep us.  If we love someone, we spend time with them because it is a joy to be with them, learning about them, hearing about their day, their thoughts, their insights, and even their dreams.  This is how we should be with God’s precious Word!  It should be the delight of our heart to spend time learning more about our Father, and the benefit we gain by doing so is that His Word will preserve us. 

Wisdom is described as the principal thing.  If you asked people today what is the principal thing they need, I have a feeling many of them would say it is money.  There are benefits listed again in this chapter: 
· Exalt her, and she promotes you.
· Embrace her, and she honors you.
· She will place an ornament of grace on your head.
· Your years of life will be many.
· Your steps won’t be hindered, nor will you stumble.
· She will be life for you.
· She will be health to your flesh.

We are given some clear instructions for things we should avoid:

· Avoid the path of the wicked.
· Don’t walk on that path.  (No quick trips.)
· Don’t travel on it.  (No prolonged trips)
· Do not let our mouths speak deceit.
· Do not speak what is perverse.
· Do not turn to the left or right.
· Remove your feet from evil.  For instance, when you are at work, and a conversation turns toward gossiping, walk away.  When a person of the opposite sex makes suggestive comments, turn and walk away.  Remove your feet from those situations.

Verse 23 speaks a powerful truth:  We are to keep our heart with all diligence, for out of it flow the issues of life.  TLB words it like this: “Above all else, guard your affections. For they influence everything else in your life.” (emphasis added) In a practical sense, what this means is that we must take our thoughts captive when they want to go astray.  We must guard what we allow our eyes to see, for those images go to our heart and can defile us.  We must guard what our ears hear because the human brain is like a computer.  Once we hear something, we cannot ‘unhear’ it.  That is why this verse tells us to guard our hearts with all diligence.  It requires much effort, but the results are worth it.

Our path will shine brightly.  Even in the darkest hours, our path will still shine because the light of the Lord will guide us.  Like a loving father, whose toddler may start to stumble, our Loving Father will reach down, grab our hand and help us so we don’t fall.

We see again in this chapter that God is a loving Father, giving us instructions — all of which are for our good.

© 2018, Stacy R. Miller

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