
Psalm 119:133 - Bible verse of the day -


Reality TV shows have become quite the rage over the last few decades.  Yet, if you know the stories behind the scenes, the directors and editors cut and arrange pieces of the film to show the most shock appeal.  After all, it’s all about the ratings.  What they portray is the reality they want you to see, not the actual reality.

Unfortunately, this scenario is all too common among many churches. Many will use “feel good” messages to tickle itching ears.  They use music that reflects the world, rather than that which honors and magnifies God.  One common theme among those who preach the prosperity gospel is that if you are blessed, you will have health and wealth.  The belief is:  If you don’t fit that scenario, you have likely sinned, or you lack faith.

How this must grieve the heart of the Lord!  These false preachers teach things as if they are reality, yet their words are actually a different gospel. How are we to know if their words are really true?

Reality is found in the Word of God.  Matthew 5:45 tells us that it rains on the just and the unjust.  Based on this, we cannot judge whether someone’s health, wealth, or the lack thereof, as a measuring rod for the blessing of God.  It is much deeper than that!

Many people twist scriptures, and don’t even realize they are doing it. Let’s look at some examples.

The eye is a window to the soul. — This is not in the Bible.  Matthew 6:22 says “The lamp of the body is the eye”, but there is no reference saying it is a window to the soul.

All things work together for good. – This is only partially true.  Romans 8:28 says, “We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose.”

People talk about Eve eating the apple in the Garden of Eden. The reality is that there was fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2, 3), but we do not know what kind of fruit is was.

The truth will set you free. —  What John 8:32 actually says, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.”  Point:  You must know the truth.  You only know it when you have studied and learned it.

Pride comes before the fall.  — Proverbs 16:18 says “Pride goes before disaster, and a haughty spirit before a fall.”

Money is the root of all evil.  — 1 Timothy 6:10 says “For the love of money is the root of all evils”.

To thine own self be true. – This actually came from Hamlet by Shakespeare. 

Spare the rod, spoil the child.  — Proverbs 13:24 tells us that He who spares his rod hates his son, but he who loves him disciplines him promptly.

God won’t put more on us than we can bear. – This is not scriptural.  1 Corinthians 10:13 tells us that God is faithful and won’t let us be tempted beyond what we can bare.  

In these tumultuous times, we need to deeply know the Word.  It will light our path in these dark days.  It will give us wisdom to navigate during these trying days.  Many people admit they don’t know what to do in these times.  They have lost hope.  They have lost their sense of direction.  In Psalm 119:133, the author asks the Lord to direct his footstep and let no sin have dominion over him.

How can God direct our steps by His Word if we aren’t reading that Word?

© 2020, Stacy R. Miller


1 Chronicles 9:13 | Bible truth, Jesus quotes, Scripture verses


Reality TV shows have become quite the rage over the last few decades. Yet, if you know the stories behind the scenes, the directors and editors cut and arrange pieces of the film to show the most shock appeal.  After all, it’s all about the ratings. What they portray is the reality they want you to see, not the actual reality.

Unfortunately, this scenario is all too common among many churches. Many will use “feel good” messages to tickle itching ears.  They use music that reflects the world, rather than that which honors and magnifies God.  One common theme among those who preach the prosperity gospel is that if you are blessed, you will have health and wealth.  The belief is:  If you don’t fit that scenario, you have likely sinned, or you lack faith.

How this must grieve the heart of the Lord!  These false preachers teach things as if they are reality, yet their words are actually a different gospel.  How are we to know if their words are really true?

Reality is found in the Word of God.  Matthew 5:45 tells us that it rains on the just and the unjust.  Based on this, we cannot judge whether someone’s health, wealth, or the lack thereof, as a measuring rod for the blessing of God.  It is much deeper than that!

Many people twist scriptures, and don’t even realize they are doing it. Let’s look at some examples.

The eye is a window to the soul. — This is not in the Bible.  Matthew 6:22 says “The lamp of the body is the eye”, but there is no reference saying it is a window to the soul.

All things work together for good. – This is only partially true. Romans 8:28 says, “We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose.”

People talk about Eve eating the apple in the Garden of Eden. The reality is that there was fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2, 3), but we do not know what kind of fruit is was.

The truth will set you free. —  What John 8:32 actually says, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.”  Point:  You must know the truth.  You only know it when you have studied and learned it.

Pride comes before the fall.  — Proverbs 16:18 says “Pride goes before disaster, and a haughty spirit before a fall.”

Money is the root of all evil.  — 1 Timothy 6:10 says “For the love of money is the root of all evils”.

To thine own self be true. – This actually came from Hamlet by Shakespeare. 

Spare the rod, spoil the child.  — Proverbs 13:24 tells us that He who spares his rod hates his son, but he who loves him disciplines him promptly.

God won’t put more on us than we can bear. – This is not scriptural.  1 Corinthians 10:13 tells us that God is faithful and won’t let us be tempted beyond what we can bare.  

In these tumultuous times, we need to deeply know the Word.  It will light our path in these dark days.  It will give us wisdom to navigate during these trying days. Many people admit they don’t know what to do in these times.  They have lost hope. They have lost their sense of direction.  In Psalm 119:133, the author asks the Lord to direct his footstep and let no sin have dominion over him.

How can God direct our steps by His Word if we aren’t reading that Word?

© 2020, Stacy R. Miller